Black-necked Stilts On the Move
I learned something new today... precocial and altricial. And watched the cutest chicks running around hours after they were born. Thank you, Jackie!
Thank you, Janice!
Fascinating post, Jackie. Thanks. Those chicks are so darn cute!
Thank you, Anne. Aren't they the cutest?
One of my favorite birds on Anguilla. Thank you! 🙏🏽
You are welcome!
I learned something new today... precocial and altricial. And watched the cutest chicks running around hours after they were born. Thank you, Jackie!
Thank you, Janice!
Fascinating post, Jackie. Thanks. Those chicks are so darn cute!
Thank you, Anne. Aren't they the cutest?
One of my favorite birds on Anguilla. Thank you! 🙏🏽
You are welcome!